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Fireworks Stand - Army Holiday
Airdate: Friday - July 3, 1970

WOR Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 07-03-2024

First Line After Theme Ends
Oh man I tell you, I love the city on a night before a holiday. . .
Show Description
Walking along 5th avenue - could see all the way from the mid 40's down to the village. Just an old lady walking her poodle and no trucks! City has a constipation of trucks during any given day. Holidays have drifted away from the reality of what they are, what they're supposed to be. Shep reads poems about the 4th of July Shep would like to write a one act play. He talks about working at his old man's fireworks stand. Finally an army story in the Ozarks. Fireworks with Catfish cakes and White Lightnin'.
Commercials (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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