Creatures of Nature
Saturday - November 22, 1958
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 07-02-2012
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
By George, it's not going to happen again!
Show Description
"Harold Everyone here - we'll be here until noon."
Time magazine has conscience editor.
Marquees in Times Square - how they appear different in the day and night. "The Flesh is Weak"
"We are creatures of nature"
Shep tells the story of how he was in the northern Michigan woods and got up on a Saturday morning at 11:00 and it was as dark as if it were 11:00 at night. He turned on the radio and all seemed normal. He tried calling the operator and aside from a strange buzzing on the line everything was normal ather end.
Someday books will have commercials - everything is being packaged - even the weather. Everything now has to be fun, deoderized, and sprayed. New Yorker's fear the weather more than anybody else in the country.
Answering machines - all of a sudden the whole world is composed of robots.
Shep says that last night (11-21-1958) he was at the annual Humor Forum at the University of Pennsylvania with Shel Silverstein. There were about 1100 kids at the auditorium. 1 year ago the main question were about the prob. Of conformity, this year it is the opposite.
In a week or two we are going up to Princeton.
Hoffritz commercial - Uncle Fletcher would have dug Hoffritz.
Continued discussion of Vic and Sade- 'What was the name of the movie house, the movie and who played in the movie?' (answered later during phone call)
Shep's aunt was entirely made of corsets and she creaked. She took Shep to a Johnny Weismueller & Maureen O'Sullivan movie (Tarzan). Shep is young and when the old professor dies Shep is stunned and isn't able to separate the picture from reality.
Shep reads a letter from a father about his kid who saw a Fu Man Cu movie. TV stations showing it because "we are living in very periless times, strange times."
Aladdin shoes vs round toe shoes.
Shep wears a checkered shirt to WOR occasionally and takes a lot of heat.
Back to Vic and Sade - "Bright Kentucky Hotel" and the "Sacred Sons of the Milky Way Lodge"
Pegine Fitzgerald calls in. She's a big Vic and Sade fan and theres more chatter about Vic and Sade. She answers Shep's earlier questions: The theatre was the Bijou Theatre playing "Hearts of Flame" starring Gloria Golden.
Worth perfume commercial - 'Big problem in the perfume industry is people can't pronounce the names'