Justice for Underdogs - Worms
Monday - August 22, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
Last Update: 10-05-2012
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Now Look, if you can't take it, you better get out of this neighborhood. . .
Show Description
Rotten Jokes
Speaking of rotten jokes, how about a salute to WOR FM's rotten music time. . . (referring to the 7/29/66 end of his show on WOR FM.)
Something awful to report - A Britsh court has ruled tha a husband who loses his wife to an ungly or poor man suffers more than is she runs off with a handsome or rich man and is entitled to more dough in damages.
Worm diggers strike in Maine, the value that earthworms contribute to life.
Shep concludes with recalling his own worm business as a kid.
Station ID (All times approximate)
Like gazelles over the sand dunes - that reminds me this is WOR - AM only. . .