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Robert Service - Cremation of Sam McGee
Airdate: Friday - December 17, 1965

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Line After Theme Ends
Oh boy, oh boy, am I . . .
Show Description
New Haven - some 10 and 11 year old kids set a bulldozer in gear down the street. After climbing over a Cadillac, it goes halfway into a variety store. This leads to a discussion about loose canons, rolling pianos and kid story about the time he was working at the steel mill and a freight car got out of control and crashed through a warehouse door. 'The railroad hods the steel mill together like a skeleton hold the body together. Shep talks about 'style'. Most people have a certain style which seperates them from the rest. Writers have style which makes them recognizable after reading only a few lines. Robert Service - Shep reads "The Cremation of Sam McGee"
No Limelight show on Christmas - there will be a studio show (Pre-recorded? Rerun?)
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Needs to be ID'd
Blues - Piano Music
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Jim Clavin
Rating: Not Rated
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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