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Tell the Story Already!
Airdate: Friday - February 25, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, yes, yes, yes, it's Friday. . .
Show Description
The Batman Syndrom 1) Pensacola Florida - man complains to police about a man dressed in black cape running around back yards leaping fences. 2) Fresno California - "Dial a virgin" telephone program started by a group of girls. Similar to Alcoholics Anonymous. 3) Rome - Anti-sex maniac who attacks loving couples with a rubber trunchen yelling "Stop this filth!" 4) Air Travel - Letter from listener writes about plane that stops in Atlanta and the whole first class section is loaded with U.S. Mail. Shep invites first listener to call in with the secret password and countersign to choose the story he will tell on tonights show. The choice is a plane story and a story about a sexy date. The caller chooses the airplane story, but Shep decides to hold that one off and tell it at the Limelight the following night. Instead he tells the story about the sexy date. Shep tells about the time he had a new car and was working at a radio station at night. There was a girl named Gloria working there and after having coffee together for about a week, he asks her out on a date. They go to a classical music concert. Afterward they go to the "Big Boy" drive-in to get something to eat followed by a drive and parking to enjoy the view. After about a half hour Shep takes her home. He pulls into the driveway and suddenly Gloria's mother comes flying out of the house pounding on the car, knocking the window out and hitting him on the head.
[Rich B] Shep says the new car was a Blue Ford and he got after the Army.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Needs to be ID'd
Stockhausen (~1:50)
Instruments Played

Not Determined


None Yet

Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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