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Lost High School Ring
Airdate: Friday - March 4, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, wow, holy smokes the telephone rang. . .
Show Description
A Fort Worth Texas woman vacuums up her bird 'Joey Boy'. She washes his off under the faucet, and dries him off under the Hairdryer. "He hasn't been singing since then, but he's at least eating well" In Germany, 4,700 homing pigeons are released and only 50 return. The Wellsville New York basketball team plays a 24 hour basketball marathon for the Basketball Marathon Record only to find out the record was 25 hours. The Lucky Horseshoe Nail Ring from Tom Mix. Learning as a kid that horseshoes are nailed to the horses foot. Grover Dill steals his ring. The High School Ring. Shep orders his high school ring in his senior year - the one with the black onyx stone. After weeks of waiting the ring comes. He goes home and shows it to everyone and goes out to play ball. When he gets home, he goes up to the bathroom to wash his hands. Realizing he has the ring on he goes to remove it with his soapy hands and the ring slips out of his hands, bounces three times on the floor and goes down the hot air register into the furnace. They never found the ring.
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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