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Court Jester
Airdate: Tuesday - April 5, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing

Last Update: 04-20-2010

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I'm going to have to give a ver special declaimer tonight. . .
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Ken Applegate - 04-20-2010 ] Disclaimer - Sentimental Warning! Poem about a maiden fair - 1881 scrapbook poem Roll reversal article about an ashtray wielding mother American Hairdresser Editorial - On Women with Money A male thing to play with dolls - G.I.Joe Prediction - Within a year a boy will go to school wearing a skirt A threat to tell the story of Mae in the second grade, and Armoury the placebo Tangent on Japanese anger management Movie review on "The Group" Virile commercials The reason there are so many turgid analysis of Batman and Superman

The PTA of Upper Merian high school, AKA Fertility Music, actually believed to be a cut from the New Guinea Head Hunters Medicine Man's Death Record

Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Rating

Not Determined

None Yet

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