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Go See the Chaplain / Emde's Folly
Airdate: Thursday - May 5, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Oh, boy, hey ah, I will award a brass figlagee with brass oak leaf palm. . .
Show Description
I will award the Brass Figlagee to anyone who can define the word 'Gluntz' Shep tells about the time he went to see the chaplain while in the Army. He thought if he told a real sob story he coud get a 3 day pass out of the chaplain. After spilling his guts out the chaplain looks back at him and says T.S. - next! Shep explains that gluntz is a midwestern term for the anonymous shifting of mostly rotten feelings you have. Golfers, golfing, and fetching golf balls as a kid The story of Emde's Folly. A square flat orange stucco house with French windows from the ground to the roof. It had a tower with arched windows. Looked like a Spanish hacienda with fake wood beams protruding through the walls. The Emdes lived there only about 2 weeks when they mysteriously moved out during the night. A year later the Bodkins family, from Kentucky, moved in with their daughter Iena Pearl Bodkin.
The Bokin family that moved into the Emde house became the Bumpus family in later stories. He mentions the son's name is Melvin, but in the show of 10/16/64, Selling Seeds, he says it's Dick. (2 kids?) He refers to the previous night's show, 5-4-66, when beginning the Emde story. "as we mentioned last night and left you hanging on the cliff last night"
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