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Crawling Toward the Golden Light
Airdate: Saturday - May 2, 1959

WOR Show
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Show Description
[ Courtesy: Lowell Thelin - ] Mankind inching himself forward towards that great golden glow on the horizon - has shed that last pair of vestigial gill covers, and has advanced from the cave, and is starting to crawl toward the light! National League player Myril Hoag noted to have one foot size 6 and one-half and the other size four and one-half! Shep citing "tight underwear" as reason for his own meager 148 batting average in early career How to make big money in the senator business by Lyndon B. Johnson Ad noted in the Times for a 100 million volt electron accelerator - an atom smasher for your basement! Twenty-six of the 28 ice cream flavors noted at a Howard Johnson's on PA Turnpike - highest percentage found so far! Salute to Ronald Medzger of Marshall, Illinois - Drove his farm truck onto the sidewalk and sheared off thirty-three parking meters like cornstalks as the sheriff jumped onto the running board in an attempt to stop him! Only regret is that he missed two of the offending meters! AVANT MEDZGER! He did it for all of us! Discussion of Shortstop players EXTEMPOR MORAYS DOC "You are stepping on my foot," or, as an analogy "My house is yours! Welcome and sit!" Celebration of the "Equal Verninox" noted
Early example of the 45 minute format which was later to become Shepherd's mainstay on WOR Radio The "Tight Underwear story was told on his 5-9-66 show and again during the 8-26-67 Limelight show. During the Music Age Record Shop commercial Shep says that he made a record in 1955 called "Into the Unknown". Shep further went on to say that the record is out of print and that it is hard to find, he says that he did not have a copy himself!
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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Engineer and Staff in Booth Instruments Played Rating

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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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