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The Prom
Airdate: Saturday - May 14, 1966

Limelight Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Listen, why don't we just keep this up until midnight. . .
Show Description
Shep describes recently watching some kids getting ready to go to a Prom and begins discussing proms and things that go wrong. He tells the story of a doctor friend who couldn't get a date until he graduated Med school and had Doctor in front of his name. He picks up his girl and they go to a restaurant together to eat and dance. After being seated for a while she tells him that his zipper is open. He trys to zip it up without anyone at the other tables seeing him do it, so he pulls his chair close to the table and zips it. After a short while they decide to get up and dance. As he stands the table cloth is stuck in his zipper and he pulls everything off the table. Shep relates this to a similar instance when he was playing in "Banquet for the Moon" and had his fly open on stage. Everyone cheered. After the news break Shep reads a NY Times article about a 10 year old boy who pours gas on the back of his trousers to take off like a rocket. "A great moment in kiddom!" Shep goes 'scragging' with Lawrence Striker. They need gas and wait until dark to siphon some out of the Anderson's car. Shep sucks down the gas, the Anderson's dog comes out barking and Mr Anderson catches him. On the last half of the show he tells an early version of the story which later became the main theme for "Phantom of the open Hearth. The time that he went to the Prom, renting a tux, getting rained on, and drinking too much.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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