Tornados and Ball Lightning
Friday - May 27, 1966
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
All right, all right smart guy, are you ready?
Show Description
[ Courtesy: Max Schmid - ]
Poem: Hellbound Train
Strange Phenomena -
Saint Elmo's fire on radar mast
Sudden temperature changes, not seen in the East but in the Midwest, cause whirlwinds; tornado on the baseball field.
Tornado at Steel Mill takes all the mail from his sack, but not even noticed a few blocks away in the office.
A tornado makes a sound like a giant generator.
NY Times story - Scientists prove the existence of ball lightning.
Sitting on the porch swing on a spring evening, after a hot day, with fireflies in the snowball bushes, he sees a light the size of a basketball slowly floating down the street. It's very bright, and blue/orange. Everyone is looking, women letting out faint screams. It makes a turn and goes into Mrs. Stryker's house. She is the neighbor across the street, one of two women who will call the cops when the kids lose a ball in her yard, although sometimes she will join in the game. She's not only unpredictable but deaf, and plays her radio very loud. The ball lightening blow up her cathedral radio and goes on down the street.
Shep's current bike is a Honda 305 Super Hawk, got his first bike in 1959.
Mentions that the 5-28-66 Limelight will be a rerun.
Ball lightning story also told 3/29/63