Shep jokingly interrupts the theme saying he likes to louse up the collectors who try recording it.
Shep speaks of his experiences driving through the Negev Desert to go to Beersheba - kind of a "Las Vegas in the middle of the desert". He talks of passing the Beduin camps with the goats, and tents, and of desert life in general.
In Beersheba, they stay at the Desert Inn, and plan to go to the "Beduin Tent", a nightclub featuring belly dancers.
Shep describes the Tarbush headdress worn by the men and how there are many different styles and colors for work, dress, and ritual. (Shep bought a blood red 'dress' Tarbush' to bring home) He explains how it is put on and worn. He would love to go into the H&H wearing it.
Women's hats are getting smaller and smaller. Someday they will disappear entirely. Austrailian hats, W.C. Fields' hats.
Traveling, and getting accustomed to the strange climate around you.
Living in the desert and reclaiming the water through a process involving the hot days, cold nights, condensation, and spongy rocks.
Promises to tell the story about the nightclub on the next show.