Last Sunday Show of the Year
Sunday - December 27, 1959
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Not Determined Yet
Show Description
Each man marches to his own drum - Coming new year
Charlie and Og - it's going to be different next year
Wants to hold mill at "Sweet Bird of Youth" do bird calls
G. Ade - Successful Tobias
Request night - Stop crying ma (no end)
(After break) - gap in tape, then Head thumping - Sheik
more Kopfspeil
time signal
(break in tape) Kashmir -- poor family
Poem - Service - New Year - break - scat with Duke E.
Thanks to listeners for loyalty
Bitter Tea of Gen. Yen
First night in Army
Theme song ending - ends 1AM - into Long John
This show was originally thought to be from December 31, 1959 which is a Thursday. Shep did not broadcast weekdays at this time.
Shep says "We'll be here until one o"clock." He also says something like, "Should I wait until after 11?" regarding something or other he was going to do - either the jazz, or the George Ade story, or the head thumping.
He also says "This is the last show of 1959" Since Thursday was the
31st, then this broadcast would be the evening of December 27 into the 28th of 1959. He never mentions it being midnight even though he does make reference to the Holiday.
There is no mention of Shep being on the air in the WOR evening lineup for the two dates according to the New York Times Radio section:
Sunday, December 27, 1959
9:00 News; Jean Shepherd Show
9:30 Sports; Jean Shepherd Show
10:00 News; Jean Shepherd Show
11:00 News Report
11:15 Jean Shepherd
1:00 Long John
Thursday, December 31, 1959
9:00 News; UN Today
9:15 Studio X - Music
10:00 News
10:15 Studio X - Music
11:00 News
11:15 Studio X - Music
12:00 Long John