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Beatings, Casmir Wocznowski's House
Airdate: Wednesday - July 6, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Line After Theme Ends
Can I have that one on this side. . .
Show Description
Hell's Angels Courtesy Card 68 year old grandmother 'stripper' arrested in Denmark Getting beaten up People who smell. Shep tells about Casmir Wocznowski and visiting his house of aromas. When planning guests for a birthday party Shep's mother requests that Shep tell Casmir to take a bath before coming. It was only then that he realized how gamey Casmir really was. The family never took baths.
Fan Description
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - ] A program of "straws in the wind." A Hell's Angels courtesy card. Violence for pleasure. A wrestling champion gets beaten up in Toledo. The odors of Casimir Wosniewski and the treasures in his basement.


Announces that as of July 30th the show will be AM only
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Jim Clavin
Rating: Not Rated
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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