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Op and Pop Art, Ritualistic Literacy
Airdate: Tuesday - July 19, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Cheap Jack, that's a great word. . .
Show Description
'I was taught by my old man to whistle like a real whistler... I can break windows for blocks around. What will the end of all mankind be? Homer contemplating a bust of Aristotle Bronze statue of the Beatles Judging society by the themes of their artists Op Art and Pop Art The hamburger is the definitive statement of nine year oldness Illiteracy in this country: An illiterate reader is a person who doesn't read (Even though he knows how) A write is not a writer unless he writes. An actor is not an actor unless he acts. Books - Decline of reading People buy books to carry around More money is spent on the covers of the book than what goes between them 'Public Domain' books - cheaper to print. More books are sold than are read. Buying books has become ritualistic. Ritualized literacy - You surround yourself by books that are unread. "Creeping Articleism" Who knows how long it took to write a masterpiece
[ Courtesy: David Goldin - ] Whistling. Official art. Illiteracy; people who can read but don't. Ritualistic book-buying. Marshall McLuhan is a high priest of illiteracy.
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