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Commercials: The New Calendar Art
Airdate: Wednesday - July 20, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Here's a good line - I trimmed this sucker for a role and a felt almost out of sight. . .
Show Description
Leigh Brown's notes for 7/20/66 10:15 (Theme)...Time for Radio to begin...JS reading a great Recitation...(That's My Weakness Now)...JS reading "The Straight Shooter's Prayer" .20 (Strolling Through the Park)...Effect of Calendar Art on the attitudes of people... Anti-Art in the Comic Strips... .25 REAL Art came on calendars...Examples of pure Calendar Art. .30 JS' father's attitude toward Art...More Calendar Art...(ID)... Electronic Calendar Art... .35 Commercials as Calendar Art...Endearing commercials... .40 Story about JS' composer friend...Views on commercials and Materialism... .45 Things that REALLY excite people...Value judgements on excitement... Commercials as variations on te Superman myth... .50 The Hero more lasting than the Anti-Hero...Beowulf will be around longer than Woody Allen...'Standard' commercials... (Miller) .55 (Regal Crown Candy)(Rover)[can add com'l here] THEME OUT - 42:40
Recorded 7/12/66 This show came from a WOR master tape which had Leigh Brown's notes attached During the show Shep keeps yelling at Leigh to stop writing and pay attention
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Instruments Played

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None Yet

Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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