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American Aristocracy, Leave It To The Brits
Airdate: Thursday - September 29, 1966

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Where's my kazoo here. . .
Show Description
Shep reads a recount of Queen Victoria's Coronation, and talks about the aristocracies of the 18th century French and 19th century English. Humor vs Satire - "Report exactly what you see - that will be humor" People elected to office are from a world that is totally remote from the kind of life that 99.9% of the population they are governing come from. There is becoming a large gulf between the governing people and the people they govern. Why people elect the 'aristocracy' - does it take smartness to get rich or just shrewdness. Look up the meanings of Wisdom and Shrewd. Shrewd leads to wealth, wisdom does not.
(Leave it to the Brits) (Shadow style open - Leigh is Margo Lane. "Whoopee Does Not Pay!") Class Distinctions; The American Aristocracy - Movie Stars Into Politicians; Bobby & Rocky
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