Dracula, Vampire Country
Rerun Date:
Wednesday - May 4, 1977
WOR Show WETA Synd Replay
(Syndicated Release)
Last Update: 11-18-2019
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Listen, I'm still kind of nervous because of what happened the othe night. . .
Show Description
Special confession night
Still nervous about what happened the other night. Turned on TV in motel and there was Count Dracula.
Gives education about bats - the big ones in the vampire movies are actually fruit bats. A real vampire bat is the size of a mouse. How vampire bats kill their prey. Reads article by Osgood Caruthers - "Dracula was Real"
Driving between Innsbruck and Munich through the Black Forest. He stops to eat in the middle of the trip. He describes eating strange food in a strange restaurant.
Continuing the drive he suddenly see these two eyes. It was the biggest, most evil, most sinister looking Red Stag with immense antlers. He followed him for a half mile and suddenly he disappeared.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Not Determined
Instruments Played
Not Determined
None Yet
Airdate History
' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)