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First Day of Kindergarten
Rerun Date: Sunday - September 21, 1969

WOR Show
WGBH Boston Replay

(Syndicated Release)
(Original WOR Airdate Unknown)


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Now you know what time of the year this is. . .
Show Description
Shep recalls his first day of school. Aunt Min was over that Sunday. The William McKinley school 2 or 3 blocks from the house. Bobby Twyman, a neighbor that he played with, was in Kindergarten with him and they went together that first day. A big fat lady in a purple dress with glasses - Shep's first memory of Miss Bundy! And shortly later he met a little boy named Schwartz and other kids named named Helen Weathers, Esther Jane, and Flick. He soon finds himself falling behind in school - over his own name! Miss Bundy insists his name is short for Eugene. Shep's disappointment in school that first day is that they do not have a reading period, but instead 'nap time' is introduced.
Aunt Min was over that Sunday Bobby Twyman, neighbor that he played with, was in Kindergarten with him and they went together that first day.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History - Original WOR Airdate Unknown
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