Almost Busted
Rerun Date:
Sunday - October 5, 1969
WOR Show WGBH Boston Replay
(Syndicated Release)
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Now we'll take care of another request. . .
Show Description
Shep tells about being stopped by two cops one night and they did not believe that he was Jean Shepherd. they accused him of using a girls driver's license. He convinced them to call WOR, but then in a moment of panic couldn't remember the station's phone number. While one of the cops was on the phone trying to call the station, 3 kids come down the street and recognize him. "Hey Shep, Excelsior" The cops are convinced and ask for his autograph.
Shep tells about the time he was in the Army, stationed in Florida and wound up in the brig. He was on pass in Stewart, Fla with Gasser and they met up with a fellow soldier named Nash and his friend. They all decided to go to West Palm Beach. When they got there they went into a bar at Nash's suggestion. They all order Southern Comforts and after Nash downs his third one, he becomes a little rowdy and picks on three sailors at the end of the bar. A fight breaks out and they all spend the next three days in the brig.
Shep says he is 17 when this happened. Being born in 1921 this would have been 1938, but he was actually in the Army from June 1942 to December 1944
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Engineer and Staff in Booth
Not Determined
Instruments Played
Not Determined
None Yet
Airdate History
' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)