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The French Seventy-Five
Rerun Date: Monday - November 17, 1969

WOR Show
WGBH Boston Replay

(Syndicated Release)

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Hey, you slob, how would you like to hear a hit record. . .
Show Description
How is your soul tonight? A letter from our spy in Hong Kong. A new hit record from Hong Kong. "Don't make me laugh, I have cracked lips." People who have favorite phrases and keep repeating them. Flying on a plane to Los Angeles - eating the food, what the stewardess recommends. Drinking on the plane - the man who had too much. The "French 75" - World War I drink.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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