Dirt Track Racing
Saturday - June 22, 1968
WOR Show Original Airing
First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Dear Shep,I'm writing you to warn the world. . .
Show Description
Eating Italian hot dogs and visiting Union Beach, NJ
A salute to a 70 year old lady who jumped off the Staten Island Ferry. She began swimming back and forth and flipped over to float on her back. Finally an Army Corps of Engineers boat pulled her out of the water.
Sings "Chinatown" to "Hindustan" music
Plagiarism as a kid -a friend does a painting by copying a picture and passing it off as an original. He wins a painting contest.
Midwestern names - Delbert Bumpus, Ima Jean Pearl, Kathy Ledbetter, JXK Smothers
Dirt track racing in Indiana. Going to the fair grounds when he was about 5 or 6 and watching the races. As they are entering the fair grounds, one of the race cars comes flying off the track landing in the hot dog stand. The driver gets out and pushes the car back onto the track.
One day Shep, Flick, Schwartz, and Bruner are watching the races. The lead car blows the engine. The driver jumps out, kicks the car, hits it and walks away in disgust.
["Happy Saturday to you, happy first day of summer"]
[Commercials - cut out except for Playboy-Ollie]
Station ID (All times approximate)
It is downhill all the way, speaking of - this is WOR