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Uncle Carl's Trip
Airdate: Saturday - June 29, 1968

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
You know that is funny when you think about it. . .
Show Description
Tobacco juice all over John Gambling's desk Ned Sparks movies Bracheopods and Volcanos, the Evolution of man "Before you knew it Brooklyn came into being" Can you imagine ending up in a room full of women - all of whom you have dated! The effects of summer on animals and man Shep tells the story about the annual family reunion organized by Aunt Clara by the shore of the Fox River. Uncle Carl was the hit playing the Banjo and doing his imitation of Sally Rand. Everyone goes down by the river to swim. Uncle Carl sits himself in an old inner tube floating around playing the banjo. Later they all spot Uncle Carl out in the middle of the river heading downstream, playing the Banjo, unaware he is being swept away. They all chase after him in cars. He continues down the river and over a waterfall where he is still playing the Banjo. They finally catch up to him at the great lock wher the Fox River joins the Chicago drainage canal. Uncle Carl gets annoyed because his trip is interrupted.
Shep says it is June 29th
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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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