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Going to the Races
Airdate: Saturday - July 20, 1968

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Think very caefully, the 20th of July. . .
Show Description
At the age of 15 Shep receives a free pass to Arlington Park, the local racetrack for horses. He asks Dorothy to go with him and they tell everyone that they are going to the Orpheum. They get there and watch a couple of races and when the big race comes up Shep wants to be on a horse. Not knowing how betting is done he goes up to a guy and asks if he wants to bet. The guy thinks Shep is being a wise guy at first, but figures out Shep doesn't have a clue. He tells Shep how to go up to the window and place a bet - tells him to bet on #12, "Attention". He has heard that the favorite is #5 and undefeated, so he bets on #5 instead. The race concludes and #12 comes in first. #5 comes in 3rd and then disqualified and placed in last. It was the only time the horse was defeated. #12 came in at 15:1 odds!
[Shep gives the date as July 20th] [Mentions that Aunt Min is his father's sister]
Commercials (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Music (All times approximate)
Not Determined yet
Instruments Played

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Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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