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The Bumpus Hounds
Airdate: July 1968

WOR Show
Original Airing


Last Update: 03-18-2024

First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought to myself. . .
Show Description
"This is a day that will go down in infamy" Shep goes into a men's room in an exclusive Manhattan men's club and written below the mirror are the words "Flick Lives" Merry old England - An 18# ham blows out of a pressure cooker. This is an early version of the story of the Bumpus Family story that appeared in the April 1969 Issue of Playboy, as a chapter in the book "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories. . ." and the movies "A Christmas Story" and "My Summer Story". As with many of Shep's stories there was a constant evolution of the story from the first time it was told on the radio to the time it was put on film. Emil Bumpus rips the back porch off the back of the house after arguing with someone inside. This was used in "My Summer Story" only it was in response to the old man's threat to call the cops. Not certain if it was Emil or another Bumpus. The target in this story was a ham instead of the Christmas turkey and it was for no particular holiday. The dogs drag the ham out into the back yard, they don't eat it in the kitchen. Old man Bumpus see this and starts to laugh, the old man throws a beer bottle at the side of the Bumpus house. After returning to the house and surveying the mess, he tells everyone to get dressed, we're going to the Chinese joint. (This is same as "A Christmas Story") Then one day, in the middle of the night, the Bumpus family moved out - "My Summer Story"
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
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