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Goldberg's Pipe
Airdate: Friday - December 19, 1969

WOR Show
Original Airing


First Spoken Line After Theme Ends
Dear Shepherd, we have a little letter here. . .
Show Description
Christmas gifts: Plastic outdoor Nativity scenes Buy a drinking mug that lets out 4 belches What are they going to call the 70's? Shepherd's new theory: "Advancing complexity mirage syndrome - in which every year, every day, every way, I believe that my life becomes more complicated moment by moment" Naming the various decades The Prettiest Navel Contest Pipe tobacco and being tent mates with Goldberg in the Army. You could smell him coming 15-20 feet away. After sitting down and eating Salmon Loaf and Cabbage and a canteen cup of the Purple Death, Shep lays in his tent when Goldberg lites up... And up comes the Salmon Loaf and Cabbage and a canteen cup of the Purple Death!
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