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The Bootblack's Christmas and other Xmas Poetry
Airdate: Wednesday - December 24, 1969

WOR Show
Original Airing

First Line After Theme Ends
All right, all right, okay, that's enough of that.
Show Description
Christmas eve and Office Christmas parties. Shep recounts going to a Borden's Dairy Christmas party at the local country club. One of his earliest memories of Christmas. The watched a performance of poetry reading. "The Bootblack's Christmas" by Barney Mollely. This was the first moment of drama that pulled me in. "The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus" - Ogden Nash "Christmas at Sea" - Robert Louis Stevenson In the Army at Christmas in Fort Monmouth Shep got a 2 day pass and went to NY with Gassor. They slept in the swimming pool at the Henry Hudson Hotel. They ended up at the Stage Door Canteen where they met Dana Andrews.
Commercials (All times approximate)
Music (All times approximate)
Engineer and Staff in Booth Summary/Rating Credit Instruments Played
By: Jim Clavin
Rating: Not Rated
Airdate History ' - Original' date is earliest known broadcast)
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