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Knuckles OToole Plays Honky Piano vol 2
Side: 2 Track: 6

Album Title: Knuckles OToole Plays Honky Piano vol 2
Group: Knuckles O'Toole
Publisher: Grand Awards Records
Date Released:
Album / Record#: GA 33-324
Genre: Folk, Honky Tonk
Shep - 3-23-1965
Shep played this cut from the Knuckles O'Toole album quite often in 1966 and seemed almost cynical while singing along with it. Shep was married to Lois Nettleton at the time and they would be divorced soon. Perhaps this was his way of telling her, she'd be missing him after the divorce.
Links to Further Information:
• Billy "Knuckles O'Toole" Rowland
• "Perfessor Bill Edwards"