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Articles about Shep
in newspapers and periodicals


Loyal Listeners Rally to Support WOR Broadcaster Faced With Dismissal

RADIO station WOR granted a reprieve last week to Jean Shepherd, a nocturnal broadcaster scheduled for dismissal when he failed to attract enough sponsors. Executives of WOR were perplexed by the week's developments. They had not anticipated any widespread protests over the scheduled sacking of Mr. Shepherd. His Program, consisting of original and unorthodox comments on a wide range of subjects, interrupted occasionally by recordings, had been presented on the station for six months from 1 A. M. to 5:30 A. M. seven days a week. . .

Copyright: 1956 The New York Times

Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:

August 19,1956
New York Times - Night Peoples Friend

Courtesy: Pete Delaney