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Articles about Shep
in newspapers and periodicals

Last Update: 01-20-2009
Last Update: 01-20-2009

Bridging the Gulf Between Indiana and Brooklyn

A humorist looks outward and sees the world," Observed Jean Shepherd. "A comic looks inward and sees himself." It was a practiced reply, but then Shepherd is a practiced humorist, not a comic; he's been performing and writing in his highly individualistic way for two decades. Thursday night at 9, on Channel 13, viewers will see what is perhaps his most ambitious project to date, a full-length play entitled "Phantom of the Open Hearth" on the PBS "Visions" series...

Copyright: 1976 The New York Times


December 19,1976
Phantom of the Open Hearth Review page 1

December 19,1976
Phantom of the Open Hearth Review page 2

December 19,1976
Phantom of the Open Hearth Review pic