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Articles about Shep
in newspapers and periodicals

Last Update: 02-05-2012
Last Update: 02-05-2012

Shepherd, man in the ironic mask

Humorist Jean Shepherd has written six best-selling novels about growing up sardonic in the Midwest. His short stories have long distracted Playboy readers from the magazine's more prurient features. He's turned three of his tales into public television specials with titles like "The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters." He's delivered monologues on two PBS series ("Jean Shepherd's America" and "Shepherd's Pie"). And now, one of his middle-American yarns has been turned into "A Christmas Story, a movie that's currently the nation's top box-office attraction...

Copyright: 1983 The Record


December 02,1984

Courtesy: William Welsch

December 02,1984

Courtesy: William Welsch