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Last Update: 03-10-2013
Last Update: 03-10-2013
College Slates Kreskin Lecture

Tickets for The Amazing Kreskin's lecture at Union College on Friday, Oct. 1, at 8 p.m. will go on sale to the general public on Monday, it was announced today by Robert Sloan of Cranford, president of the Student Government Association, which is sponsoring the event. The Amazing Kreskin is billed as "one of the most popular and baffling mentalists of our time," who believes that extra sensory perception may be "a God given natural ability that man has lost as the years have gone by." Tickets are on sale in the SGA office in the Campus Center. To assure that tickets are available Sloan suggests that those interested call the SGA in advance at 272-0650. The Amazing Kreskin opens in 1076-77 Student Lecture Series at Union College. Future speakers include Jean Shepherd, Nov. 5; Dick Gregory, Feb. 7, and Henry "The Fonz" Winkler, Feb. 25.

Copyright: 1976 Westfield Leader


Union Junior College

Courtesy: Steve Glazer