Jean Shepherd, wild-mannered star of a great metropolitan radio station, makes a surprise return visit to Printceton tonight.
So, if your date is arriving early, you can offer her more than the Balt. And for free.
The fast-talking, fact-throwing, far-thinking comedian of station WOR in New York will speak in McCosh 50 at 8 pm. Mr. Shepherd is appearing as part of the UGC lecture series.
Whether he's traveling or talking, Jean Shepherd is a man who's hard to catch up with. After trying to get in touch with Mr. Shepherd for several weeks, the UGC received a short letter yesterday informing them that Mr. Shepherd would arrive tonight. Part of the delay in answering was due to the fact that he has been in Europe for several weeks partly on vacation and partly on business.
Linwood L. Davis '62, spokesman for the council, complained yesterday that he doesn't even put up posters. There are some who would say he doesn't need to.
Fast Talker, Thinker
Last year, Mr. Shepherd held a capacity audience for over 2-1/2 hours talking at a pace that would leave Mort Sahl behind. Mr. Shepherd combines good thought and good humor at the rate of making a milkshake. . .
Like the time he sent in for an Ovaltine decoder, only to find out that all the messages were advertisements.