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Last Update: 12-23-2015
The Leg Lamp
After filling out an endless stream of newspaper puzzle contests, the 'old man' receives news that he is the winner of a major award! His face 'lights up' when he proudly displays it in the front living room window for all to see. But does a jealous(?) mother get revenge while dusting? Can a can of glue save the day? It is uncertain where Shep first got the idea for the Leg Lamp, but on his November 22, 1961 show he mentions seeing an ad in Esquire featuring a leg lamp. The ad appeared for several years and the photo below is from the Dec 1952 issue. Shep later spoke as though it were inspired by a Nehi Ad. If you compare the two ads there is a striking resemblance between the two. Perhaps he was inspired by both! Read Steve Glazer's essay on the history of the Leg Lamp - see link below
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:
Links to Further Information:
• "In God We Trust All Others Pay Cash"
• Phantom of the Open Hearth
• A Christmas Story
• Buy a Leglamp
• The History of the Leg Lamp by Steve Glazer

Leg Lamp waiting to be sold outside the gift shop at the Steamboat Inn in Lancaster Pa. heart of the Amish country!

Studs N' Skins leg lamp sold by Spencer gifts

Nehi Ad

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

December 1952
Leg Lamp Ad - Dec 1952 Esquire Magazine

November 18,1983
"It's a Lamp"


"Isn't She Beautiful!"