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Last Update: 06-18-2015
Books Referring to Shep


Land of the Millrats

Richard M. Dorson November 17, 1981
Harvard University Press

ISBN #978-0674508552

Copyright: 1981 - Harvard University Press

Most of Richard Dorson's thirty years as folklorist have been spent collecting tales and legends in the remote backcountry, far from the centers of population. For this book he extended his search for folk traditions to one of the most heavily industrialized sections of the United States. Can folklore be found, he wondered, in the Calumet Region of northwest Indiana? Does it exist among the steelworkers, ethnic groups, and blacks in Gary, Whiting, East Chicago, and Hammond?

November 17,1981

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

November 17,1981

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

November 17,1981

Courtesy: Steve Glazer