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Shep in writing

Last Update: 06-28-2015
Books Referring to Shep


No Amish Need Apply

Kurt Ringquist August 24, 2011

ISBN #978-1257982011

Copyright: 2011 - lulu.com

A journey through what may well be the mind of some guy you've never heard of. But don't let that stop you - it's funny and quirky and just darned odd. Eventually, you'll come to think of Kurt as the friend you're afraid to invite over for dinner. There are chapters about Presidents and Vice-Presidents, first cars, television, radio, advertising, death, rock 'n' roll, quack medicine, Norwegians and Swedes, college, and cursing. If you can't find something you like, then the heck with you (I don't mean that - read it, OK? Please? ).

August 24,2011

Courtesy: Steve Glazer