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Date |
Description |
January 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Visiting old Relatives, Aunt Theresa and Uncle Emil
January 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Hobbies, Quiz Show Host
January 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Crime and Punishment, Playing Hooky
January 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Movie Plots, Biting-Fighting, Ear Biter
January 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Frigidaire Ad, Rampent Soldering Iron
January 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Friday Show, Slobus Americanus
January 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Frankenstein and Air Craft Carrier CV-9
January 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Wonderama Appearance, Kiddie Show Elegant
January 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Turnpike People, Turnpike Legends
First Line: I've been sitting around here trying to figure out just what we're going to be called in future histories . . .
January 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Robert Service Poems, Winter, Flick's Tongue
January 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
OZ and Mythical Countries
January 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Ham Radio Language, story of OZ
January 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Electra, Radio Eng. Fired for getting TV License
January 22, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Jesus Saves Graffiti, Friend Fired, Rock Painter
January 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Army Story, Someone Swipes His Wheaties, Post Cerial Plant Tour
January 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Fireman sets Fire, Charisma Machine 210-DL
January 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Radio-TV listings, Watch Things Happen
January 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Writers Don't Remember, Day Out Of Your Past
January 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Slob Art Again, Taxidermy Story
First Line: Hey, that's the right switch
January 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Witch Doctor Calls
January 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Dr. Slicker
First Line: He won't do that again, I'll tell ya, he learned his lesson. . .
February 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Pepito the Monkey, Hot Polish Peppers at Blue-Bird Tavern, Paper Route
February 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Reporter With Lion Tamer
February 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Transmitter Maintenance, Old Geography Book
February 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Hot Air Balloon Project
February 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Studies To Prove Obvious
February 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
God Father Pizzeria
February 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Dear Sir put-down. Hat Trick, Dog Races
February 11, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Out Of Gas Inside Lincoln Tunnel
February 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Converted Pulpit, Elephant grave yards.
First Line: You heard about that? That's very symbolic. . .
February 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
From Florida - Part 1, Florida - "A Dream World"
February 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
From Florida - Part 2, The Condo Man
February 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
From Florida - Part 3, Florida Way Of Life
February 18, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Lago, Pipe Organ With Gargoyles
February 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Wild Turkey Fans, Conventions and Bad Taste
February 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
CW Songs, How to Write CW Lyrics
February 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
On Stage Mishaps
February 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Liquor, Drinkology
February 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Egyptian Gods, Pharoah in Egypt
February 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Illiterate Students
February 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Human Animal
March 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Singing in the Shower, Sound Effects
March 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
More Sound Effects
March 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Guy towing Plane, Tarpin Fishing, Leigh's Proposition
March 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Booze & Drinking, Cocktail Parties
March 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Ham Radio, scout troop, Learning Code, Lawrence the Ham
March 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Comb Mystery, Commercial Characters
March 10, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Teeter Totter
March 11, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Things Not For Television
March 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
First Line: Yeah, well okay, this is me. . .
March 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Public Address Announcer
March 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Rumor Expert
March 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Soldering Iron
March 18, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
March 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Survival March
March 22, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Influence of Comic Strips, Cartoon Creators (Comic Strip Quiz)
First Line: Brraaack . . . I was heavily influenced by whom at one point. . .
March 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Tag Day For Band, Band Contests
First Line: I gotta tell ya ....
March 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Piano Warehouse, Piano ads in mid-west
March 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Worms and Fishing, Muskie of Northern Lakes
March 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Folk Talents, Bolis knuckles/spitting
March 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Gadgets / Alibi Cassettes
First Line: This is Warden He-Haws telling you that crime does not pay.
March 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bicentennial Report, Chicago Fair, Celebrations
March 31, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Frozen In A Block Of Ice At Circus.
April 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Boy Scout Project, Old Newspapers, Grade School Science
April 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Tv vs Real Life / Wake Turbulance
April 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Illiteracy & Fistfights / Ghost town for J S America, Dummy in Dept Store
April 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Paycheck Mistake / 1776 & Dumb Americans
First Line: And we would like to, you know, this is our bicentennial year. . .
April 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Tarzan Science
April 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The A-Ha Experience, Indiana Basketball
April 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Popeye, Crossword Puzzles, Private Games
April 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Various Subjects, Media Room
April 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Allied Catalog
April 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Sailboat in Parking Lot
April 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Distortion - Race Track Humor
April 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Horseradish Contest
April 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Adam and Eve Skit
April 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Flying Bikes, Bicycle Wings
First Line: Hello, test... heh, heh, I'm just trying it, hello test...
April 21, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Electronics Freak
April 22, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Prisoner of NBC
April 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Ladies Room, Stripper on the Bus
April 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Rugby Shirts, Old Man's Radio-Cleaning & Listening, 232 Tube Radio - Symbols
April 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Science Fashion Sport
April 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Contemporary Culture 1850 Textbook - Old and New Ignorance
April 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Old Man De Soto Lemon, Convertible
April 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bass Fishing
April 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Humor, Early Reading and First Library Card, PG Wodehouse
April 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Frozen Milky Way Bars, George Anthiel, Most Unusual Play and Concert
May 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Celebrating the Anniversay of Getting Ham Radio License
May 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Early Literary Influences
May 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Old Ads From 1939 Fortune Magazine.
May 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Lady Backs Into Jean's Car
May 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bus Tour of New York
May 10, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Kentucky Derby & Indy 500
May 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Twits Etc
May 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Shining Light
May 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Stanley, the Worm Eater
May 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Graduation Watch
May 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Serious Kopfschpieling
May 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Watergate Nostalgia
May 21, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Prelude to Travel Shows
May 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Travel - Upper Michigan
May 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Travel - South Dakota
May 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Wisconsin (Not Travel)
May 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Set Your Head
May 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
CB Madness
May 31, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Memorial Day
June 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Tracts Thru the Mail
June 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Balderdash, Commercials
June 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Fred Allen's Letters
June 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
June 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Graduation Term Paper
June 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Dale Hollow
June 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bus Tour in Jungle
June 11, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Man's Real Fears
June 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Media Addicts
June 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
June 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Operation Sail
June 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Robert Service Poems
June 18, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Summer School
June 21, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Cockroach Racing
June 22, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
New York, A Medieval City
June 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Comedy Technique
June 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
June 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Age of Bad Taste
July 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
July 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Convention Speech
July 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Getting a Ham Ticket
July 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Truck in the Steel Mill
July 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
July 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Right Oblique Harch
July 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Secret Panels and Dungeons
July 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Zoo Opera
July 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Cave Man in Museum
July 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Skippy - Polish Wedding
August 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Kids Camps and Spinoffs
August 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Worst Kind of Humor
August 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Sir Mordrid's Revenge
August 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Three Inch Human
August 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bullet In The X-Ray
August 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Ultimate Horsing Around
August 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Philadelphis Fog Horn
August 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Crossword Puzzles
August 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
New Old Antiques
August 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Pickle Colored Car
August 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The Flying Quaker Flys Away
August 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Parking Meter in Nome
August 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The Kholrabi Myth
August 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The Great Test Taker
August 31, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Hair and Teeth Symbols
September 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The Pet Rock Remains
September 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Geoffrey's Ginger Beer
September 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Motel Traveler
September 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Labor Day Picnic
First Line: All right, okay, okay, you know one of the great things about
September 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
John Dillinger's Finger
First Line: Tonight's show is as full of evil as the black pit. . .
September 10, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
First Day High School
September 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Expense of Broadcast
September 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Frogs on the Bus
September 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Captain Blood
September 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Mystery of the False Teeth
September 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Archie, Banks, and Funerals
September 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
TV Trivia
September 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Half A Pet Rock
September 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Review Performers
September 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
September 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
October 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
GI Expressions
October 5, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Election Show
October 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
New Car Anniversary
October 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Police Calls
October 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Giant Baboon
October 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Personalities On Stage and Off
October 18, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Stanley, Idaho
October 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Grocery Store Pin Ball
October 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Valuable Collector's Items
October 21, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
A Real Debate
October 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
October 27, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
The Politics Game
October 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Private Games
October 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
GI in New York
November 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Polls amd Spectators
November 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Era of the Good Ol' Boy
November 4, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Tinfoil Ball
November 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
November 11, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Marching Band
November 12, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Telephone System
November 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Flies in Pop Bottle
November 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Inspired Puns
November 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Horse Racing
November 18, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
November 19, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Beer - Part 1
November 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Cartoons, Comedy, and Humor
November 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Herds of Turkeys
November 26, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Denver - Part 1
November 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Shovel Snow For Dough
November 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Colorado Pt 2
First Line: A New York license plate - 'what's in it for me. . .'
December 1, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Teddy Bears, Shoveling Snow for $$$
First Line: We also have another letter from a listener here . . .
December 2, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Beer - Part 2
December 3, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Rumpus Room / Junk in the Basement
December 6, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Automobile Idea
December 7, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Selling Christmas Cards
December 8, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Unusual Phonograph Records
December 9, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Consumer Advice
December 10, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Steering Wheel Knob Gift for the Old Man
December 13, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Bear Weevil in Friends Coat
December 14, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Chester the Hatchetman
First Line: The Bear Missed the Train with Shep singing
December 15, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Collecting Tobacco Cans
December 16, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Cloverleaf Salve
December 17, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Grooble Nuts--pesters mother for breakfast food
December 20, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Double date and fix other guys car
December 21, 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Pulp Magazines
First Line: Well there are many straws in the wind and you just got to keep your hand out there. . .
December 22, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Laughing In Study Hall
First Line: Hey you know there's a new thing in the world. . . .
December 23, 1976
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
100 yr. old Salamander
December 24, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Duel In the Snow, Red Ryder BB Gun Story
December 28, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Practical Jokes
December 29, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Hollywood Hotel Room
December 30, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Firing Range
December 31, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
New Year's Gunfire
December 1976
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Christmas Gift Ideas for the Affluent
First Line: Have ever received a Christmas gift that had no meaning?
December 1976
Radio - WOR Show Original Airing
Near Christmas - Complete version of Eileen Aickers and The Glee Club
First Line: That's enough, that's enough, speaking of the approaching Christmas. . .
December 1976
Radio - WOR Show
Practical Jokes, Army Signal Corps Oscillator Buzzbomb
First Line: Have you ever gone in the jokes store?
October 25, 1976
Radio - WOR Show
First Car
Radio - WOR Show
Human Relics
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Dingdongs & Dingbats
First Line: Oh, yes, the word changes but the dingbat remains forever with us
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
CB Madness / Benedict Arnold
First Line: My God, we've made it again. The thank God it's Friday club is in session
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
New School Beauty
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Television vs. Real Life / Movie Trends
First Line: Hey, listen. Before we get started here . . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Basement / Cavemen / The Intruder
First Line: Ah, you're an alarmist. . .
Radio - WOR Show
The Carpool
First Line: Oh you haven't? Oh, yeah, sure. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Play It Again, Sam
First Line: And by the way, I'll ask you a question. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Opera at the Zoo
First Line: What do you think we're talking about? It's culture, of course. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Political Convention Speeches
First Line: Very good, very good, I must say, yeah I have mixed feelings, gang. . .
Radio - WOR Show
Bad Advice / Teddy Bear Giveaway
First Line: Fantastic what some guys will do to get attention. . .
Radio - WOR Show
Greatest Literary Influence
First Line: My literary influence. . .
Radio - WOR Show
Escape! / Flying Kites
First Line: that's enough, what you've got to do is leave them wanting more. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Wisconsin Heartland / Geography Quiz
First Line: That's right, I see that Detroit has a thing in the works here. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Springtime Musical Madness - The Nutty Season Has Begun!
First Line: Yes, I'm sorry to hear about that. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Midsummer Madness Time / Summer Solstice / Comic Characters on Stamps
First Line: Well, you know, this is, of course, summer. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Practical Jokes
First Line: You know this is a nutty season you know. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
First Line: So you know ah, because I collect ah, hello test. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Knack for Test Taking
First Line: There you go, you had the wrong one up. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Summer's Over / Labor Day
First Line: Hello, test, that's really rotton, I hate to see summer go. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Fads, T-Shirt Slogans, Pet Rock Cemetery
First Line: Dedicated, of course, to the welfare of all of you. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Gruesome-O-Mania, Dillinger's Finger (Syndicated Show)
First Line: Tonight's show is as full of evil as the black pit. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Geoffry's Exploding Ginger Beer & Beets
First Line: Listen, before we get started here tonight I really have to salute that poor sad Englishman. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Media Addiction: A Salute to Rona Barrett and the Blabber Industry
First Line: A couple of nights ago we began work on a major essay. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Movie & TV Extras / Beer Quiz
First Line: Oh yes of course, the average television type series. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
High School Glee Club (Christmas)
First Line: That's enough, that's enough, speaking of the approaching Christmas. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Christmas Job at Marshall Field
First Line: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way. . . (singing)
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Sousaphone
First Line: Into each life something must fall. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Don't Horse Around!
First Line: Well, a, we would like to take the occaision tonight before we go any further. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Sophisticated Cave Maker
First Line: Today I am going to do something that I have avoided doing. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Lost Undies, Dropped Drawers, The Invention of Work, and the Nature of Time (and Weather)
First Line: In Houston, a gas station attendant reported being robbed when a man threatened to throw a snake at him. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Flying Quaker Model Airplane Kit
First Line: I think that we never stop being what we are. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Quickie Paint Job
First Line: We'd like to salute tonight, a brave man. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Steel Mill Mailman Disaster
First Line: I'll tell ya, before we go any further. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
The Ages of Man / Age of Bad Taste
First Line: I've thought about that and it's kinda discouraging to realize. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Political Candidates and Promises
First Line: Before we get under way here, somebody wrote me a note here. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Commercial Trends, Radio Catalogs, Listening to Police Calls
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Day of Carter Election - Good Ole Boys and Regional Accents
First Line: Well, so now we begin a whole new era. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Free Meal at the USO
First Line: Let's give 5 seconds of silence in true faithfulness. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Letters, N.J. Surrealism, Flying Dutchman, Baboon
First Line: That's a mysterious letter I just got. . .
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Saving Cigarette Wrappers, Lucky's Car Giveaway
First Line: Is anybody out there, oh, there's a lot of things going on here, I'm sorry what happened in Philadelphia. . .
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Archy (The Cockroach) and Mehitabel - Accidental School Fire
First Line: About every year or two I do a show about Archy. . .
Radio - WOR Show WOR Rerun
Jew's Harp, Man Vs. Animal Traits-Laughter
First Line: Tonight I just though, I don't want to bother you with this. . .
Radio - WOR Show
Riding the train, sleeping on a coffin
Radio - WOR Show
Real Life, Aunt Teresa, Witty Sayings, Shep The Druid
Radio - WOR Show
The Giant Ice Cream Cone
Radio - WOR Show
Al Capone and Chicago Gang
Radio - WOR Show
Benefits of Literacy - Fighting in Texas
Radio - WOR Show
Film and Fashion
Radio - WOR Show
Four Day Pass
Radio - WOR Show
Goin Crazy
Radio - WOR Show
Laughter in the Face of Time
Radio - WOR Show
Medical School Exam
Radio - WOR Show
Summer in New York
Radio - WOR Show
Tommy Moore
Radio - WOR Show
Trade Journals
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Kazoo Commercial Quiz
First Line: We'd like to salute if we may mans constant struggle. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Whatever Became of.....?
First Line: Is there such an insect as a former Beatle. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
First Line: Ahhh - you're an alarmist, that's your problem
Radio - WOR Show
Dynamic Pomposity
Radio - WOR Show
EH Scott Radio
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Our Trivial Life/All the President's Men
First Line: You see, ordinary trivia, a thousand years ago. . . (Theme cut - Might not be 1st line)
Radio - WOR Show
Robert Service
Radio - WOR Show
Robinette and Farkus
Radio - WOR Show
Victim Of Surrealism
Radio - WOR Show
Worlds Greatest Jackdaw
Radio - WOR Show
Newsreel - Retired Numbers - American Traits
Radio - WOR Show
Army Radar Joke
Radio - WOR Show
Car Paint Job
Radio - WOR Show
Pay The Bill
Radio - WOR Show
Cars Horses
Radio - WOR Show
Department Store
First Line: Jingle Bells. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Rumpus Room / Junk in the Basement
First Line: Ya hear me, I'll tell ya, I'm ready to go here. . .
Radio - WOR Show
Human Relics
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Alaska - The Nome Nugget Newspaper
First Line: I have a newspaper here today. . .
Radio - WOR Show Syndicated Replay
Soldier of Fortune; Army Aptitude Test
First Line: Here we go here, here we go. . .