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Last Update: 10-05-2015
Inside Jean Shepherd
First episode of Shep's WOR TV Show - 11-25-1960
November 25, 1960
Season: - Episode:
Not too much about this show is known. It was a locally produced show on WOR Channel 9 in New York.
It was originally scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 1960, but was held up and re-scheduled for Friday Nights at 9pm. See the Bridgeport Post and NY Times articles on right.
According to "Who's Who" - Jan 1961 it was also seen in Los Angeles.
On June 11, 1961 it was switched from Friday nights to Thursdays at 9:30. How long it lasted is not known. The last known date is June 29, 1961.
According to an article in Metronome Magazine, the show was called "Inside Jean Shepherd"
Gene Bergmann watched the first broadcast on November 25, 1960 and made the following notes. The theme song was, of course, the familiar Bahn Frei.
November FIRST TV SHOW, 22 minutes long (obviously I cut the commercials)
Theme song short.
We're all born butterflies.
'Little Orphan Annie' secret decoder message = "Be sure to drink Ovaltine.'
Commercial cut out.
Peter Pain - same as on JS and Other Foibles - recording or he must have recited it for this TV show (?)
'Did you ever feel that your life was a situation comedy?...'
Standard theme song - with applause at end.
I remember Shep sitting (I'm almost positive on a stool) against a black background.