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Last Update: 12-09-2014
New York Night
December 13, 1968
Season: - Episode:
"New York Night" WNBC-TV - Narrated by Long John Nebel
Gene Bergman visited the Museum of Television and Radio in New York to research their holdings of Shep related materials. One of the items he viewed while there is this television special.
12/13/68 narrated by Long John Nebel. One hour long.
Scenes of NYC nightlife such as singles' bar, restaurants, Broadway go-go dancers, car accident --- and Greenwich Village, the longest one - about 10 minutes, Shep's voice for the whole Village narration. "The life of people who live by night is much more easily lived down here." Shep in apartment, lighting up a pipe. talks about "hippies." walks along sidewalk, and at Cooper Union, Washington Arch.
"I can't imagine myself seriously living anyplace else" Jean Shepherd