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Last Update: 04-29-2013
Fortune Theatre
"One Man Show"
October 27, 1970
According to the NY Times review Shep performed on the stage of the Fortune Theatre, 62 East 4th Street in a one man show until November 8 1970, although all the Village Voice ads have the dat as Oct 27 to Nov 1. One ad indicates "2nd Attraction to be Announced" for the period until Nov 8th, so it appears that Shep was held over. This was confirmed in an ad from 11-19-1970 which shows he was held over Nov 20 to Nov 22. Was he held over the whole month or was this 2 different bookings?
According to the ad prices were $3.50 and $4.50
On Mon to Thurs there was 1 show each night at 9pm, Friday and Saturday there were 3 shows each - 8pm, 10:30pm and 12:30pm and Sunday had 2 shows - 4pm and 8pm.