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Last Update: 10-26-2014
Rochester Institute of Technology

November 14, 1967

Shep Fan Jay Powell went to college in Rochester, and he was elated when news came that Shep would be a speaker at the school. At the college radio station Shep commented about his headphones: "The smaller the station, the bigger the cans!" Thanks to Dean Dexter who worked for the "Reporter" and provided some of the pictures and background info.
Additional Comments:
According to Dean Dexter who was working for the "Reporter" at the time and is in some of the photos: Shepherd spoke at the "old campus" in downtown Rochester in November of 1967 (school year 1967-1968), and a second time in April of 1969 (school year 1968-1969). He wrote across his article in that playboy we are looking at: "To Dean Dexter, a true bastard, Jean Shepherd." Magazine and the autograph have long since vanished. After the talk he gave in the gymnasium, he went over with some of the WGIR staff (all students), and held forth for an hour or so. He was wonderful with us, totally funny, totally a gentleman, totally approachable, just the best you can imagine. Of course we were thrilled to death. No entourage. After his talk, he just walked over to the WITR studios with us.

November 14,1967
At the station Shep at mic and Dean Dexter sitting in back. (Courtesy Dean Dexter)

Courtesy: Dean Dexter

November 14,1967
At the station Shep at mic and Dean Dexter sitting in back. (Courtesy Dean Dexter)

Courtesy: Dean Dexter

November 14,1967
Shep signs a copy of Playboy for Dean. (Courtesy Dean Dexter)

Courtesy: Dean Dexter

November 14,1967
Shep signs a copy of Playboy for Dean. (Courtesy Dean Dexter)

Courtesy: Dean Dexter

November 17,1967
RIT Reporter