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Columns / Short Stories
Shep was always writing. . .

August 1966


Miss Bryfogal And The Case of The Warbling Cuckold
wherein the clandestine bathroom book reviewer of Warren G. Harding school stumbles into a child's garden of vices and is bushwhacked by the lurking serpent of temptation

THE STICKY-SWEET, BODY-WARM TASTE of pornography lingers in the soul long after the fires have been banked and the shades drawn. Where did it all begin? What ancient cave man drew the first dirty picture on the wall of his dank granite hole and then, cackling fiendishly, scuttled off into the darkness? Even today, deep down in our innermost recesses, there is a hot, furry little something that peers out at us with tiny, red-rimmed eyes, reminding us with its lewd chittering that we are still scrawling graffiti on the walls of our caves...

Additional Comments:
This story was reprinted in the book "In God We Trust - All Others Pay Cash" under the new name "Miss Bryfogel And The Frightening Case Of The Speckle-Throated Cuckold" It was also told on the October 14, 1967 Limelight Show and used as one of the story lines in "My Summer Story"

Copyright: 1966 Playboy Magazine

Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:
Links to Further Information:
• Radio Show

August 1966
Playboy - Cover

August 1966
Playboy - Pic

August 1966
Playboy - Playbill