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Columns / Short Stories
Shep was always writing. . .

April 1970


The Diary of a Fisherman
In which it is revealed how the thing that fishermen call fishing and outdoorsmen call the outdoors is turned into a red-carpet fantasy when touched by the hand of showbiz

JANUARY 16, 1970 [written en route] - Boarded 727 United Airlines flight to Chicago at 7:50 P.M. Club Commuter flight. Just think, in a few hours I'll be out of this urban world of phony values and shallow attitudes and I will be in Wisconsin, where life is real and nature beckons. I peer out of the plane window at a long line of airliners waiting for takeoff in the miserable New York smog. Temperature, 26 degrees. It is warm here in the first class section. Behind us, in the rear of the plane, the peasants in the tourist section (steerage class) are already telling their lewd jokes; babies crying and old ladies complaining fitfully...

Copyright: 1970 Field and Stream Magazine

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