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Columns / Short Stories
Shep was always writing. . .

December 1965


Red Ryder Nails the Hammond Kid

IN ANGRY RED block letters, the slogan gleamed out like a neon sign from the big white button: DISARM THE TOY INDUSTRY. That's what it said. There was no question about it. The button was worn by an indignant little old lady wearing what looked like an upturned flowerpot on her head and, I suspect, a pair of Keds on her feet, which were primly hidden by the Automat table at which we both sat...

Additional Comments:
This story was reprinted in the book "In God We Trust - All Others Pay Cash" as "Duel in the Snow, or Red Ryder Nails the Cleveland Street Kid" and formed one of the basic storylines for the movie: "A Christmas Story"

Copyright: 1965 Playboy Magazine

Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:

December 1965
Playboy - Cover

December 1965
Playboy - Playbill