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Shep was always writing. . .

Last Update: 02-24-2013
February 11, 1985


Jean Shepherd talks about Hollywood

From the very first day after " In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash" was published, the first or a long line or advisory types remarked, " When is it gonna be a movie?" They are the same sort who are always helpfully pointing out, "Say, you're getting a little thin on top there, have you noticed?", as if you were not painfully and acutely aware of your slow disintegration. or course, these helpful comments are always delivered in a tone of faint amusement laced with phony concern. I find the best way to deal with these boobs is to take up the cudgels immediately and counter-attack. . .

Copyright: 1985 The Hour

(Ed. Note: Jean Shepherd is one of America's best-loved humorists and authors whose new television series "Jean Shepherd's America" will premiere on public television in June. A 00-minute movie or his, "The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski" appears tonight on American Playhouse at 9 on Channel 13. It is the third of his trilogy of a teenager growing up in the 1950s in mid-America; the first was "The Phantom of the Open Hearth" and the second, "The Great American Fourth of July and Other Disasters."