Albro B. Gregory is the editor of the Nome Nugget. He looks suspiciously like Central Casting had a hand in getting his job for him. If you can picture Gabby Hayes crossed with Ernest Hemingway, with just a touch of Jackie Gleason thrown in, you've got Albro. A magnificent white beard, broad shoulders, crinkly eyes from gazing into years of Arctic suns, topped by a blue baseball cap, Albro hunches over his ancient L.C. Smith and punches out editorials of stark, Gothic directness. Last week he headed one "Sadistic Bastard!" and went on from there. Hardly a day goes by when he isn't accosted in front of a local bar by an irate native, male or female, demanding to be heard. He hears them all. Recently a lady showed up with blood in her eye, angry because she had been sentenced to three days in jail for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct and Albro hadn't mentioned the event. . .