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Columns / Short Stories
Shep was always writing. . .

Last Update: 02-19-2017
December 1975


A long way to go-and no TV script to show the way.

Television rarely does anything that accurately portrays the day-to-day lives of real, walking-around people. There just never was a TV assistant producer remotely like Mary Tyler Moore. Or, for that matter, a sappy TV station that seems to revolve around her - and particularly her social life - where there are no salesmen, and that apparently does only a news show and a cooking show. It goes without saying that nowhere in our land can be found the hospital where a Marcus Welby worries endlessly over the well-being of his patients and never mentions Medicare or Blue Cross. Yet I'm afraid many of us secretly believe that there is such a hospital, or doctor, if we could only find it - if we weren't in the clutches of that money-grubbing MD who charges $55 for a five-minute interview about a maverick bunion that concludes with him saying, "it sure beats me. Have you tried going to work in bedroom slippers?''. . .

Copyright: 1975 Car and Driver