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Last Update: 11-02-2016
The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski
February 11, 1985
Subtitled - "A Tale of Gothic Love" Dedicated to the Memory of James Broderick (1927 to 1982) who played 'The Old Man' in Great American 4th of July and the Phantom of the Open Hearth.
Story Lines: Randy plays a turkey in the school Thanksgiving Day play The boys eat at John's hamburger joint

Production Information:
Studio / Network:
Asst Director: Leigh Brown
Producer: Olivia Tappan
Executive Producer: Fred Barzyk
Running Time:
Related Plots / Story Lines and Other References Used
Associated Documents
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:
Related Articles / Reviews:

Jean Shepherd (Narrator)

Jay Ine (Randy)

George Coe (The 'Old Man')

Barbara Bolton (Mom)

Jay Ine (Randy)

Jeffery Yonis (Schwartz)

William Lampley (Flick)

Ron Mclarty (Gertz)

Katherine Kamhi (Josephene Cosnowski)

Robert J. Colonna (John)

Peter Gerety (Archie)

Will Lebow (Friendly Fred)

Fuzzhead (Daphne - Shep's dog)



Randy in school play


The Bluebird Tavern

Friendly Fred's used car lot

The Steel Mill