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Last Update: 04-14-2019
Summer Incident
July 4, 1960
The story of the Marines who landed in Lebanon to secure American interests, and the naval personnel that got them there. I have a copy of the video that he narrated. It's a Navy film called "Summer Incident" about the US Invasion of Lebanon in 1958, a Louie de Rochemont film. He also makes reference to his experiences on the Navy Carrier CV9 Essex and Cruiser Springdale in a number of his WOR shows like 2-4-65, 1-12-76 and others. He just narrated the film, no on screen or credits. It is one of those official Navy films so his script is very rigid and word for word...no adlibs. Portions of this movie may have been released in a film short called "The March of Todd-AO"

Production Information:
Studio / Network: Todd A-O
Director: Louis de Rochemont
Asst Director:
Producer: Louis de Rochemont
Executive Producer:
Running Time: 30 minutes
Where Shep Made Reference To This Subject:

August 06,1958

Courtesy: Steve Glazer

July 02,1960
TV listing from Indiana Evening Gazette

Courtesy: Steve Glazer
