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Last Update: 12-09-2015
No Whistles, Bells, or Bedlam
This film short was produced by the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology. It is the story of P.J. Flynn, who dreamed of the day that his son, P.J. Flynn Jr would play for the Chicago Bears. One day he is visited at the plant by a gentleman who explains about the benefits of hiring the deaf. He didn't take it seriously until his son is born. Distributed by: The National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Written By: James Halpin Cinematography: Fred Bornet Film Editing: Maxwell Seligman

Production Information:
Studio / Network: Rochester Institute of Technology Rumrill-Hoyt Inc.
Director: Raul daSilva
Asst Director:
Producer: Raul daSilva
Executive Producer:
Running Time: 30 Minutes
Links to Further Information:
• Raul daSilva